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Substance Abuse

What is substance abuse? Substance abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of substances, including drugs (both legal and illegal) and alcohol, that can lead to physical, mental, and social health problems. It involves using these substances in a way that can result in addiction, dependence, and negative consequences for the individual's life and well-being. Types of Substances  Sulbstance abuse can involve a wide range of substances, such as alcohol, nicotine, prescription medications, illegal drugs (e.g., cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine), and over-the-counter medications. Physical and Psychological Effects    Substance abuse can lead to various physical and psychological effects, including impaired judgment, memory problems, changes in behavior, increased risk of accidents, health issues (e.g., liver damage, respiratory problems), mental health disorders, and strained relationships. Addiction and Dependence    Substance abuse can progress to addiction, where a person become

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